Sidney Prize is an award that recognizes individuals who have made positive impacts on humanity, such as scientists, writers and activists. Recognizing these individuals can motivate them to continue doing good work while inspiring others to do the same. There are various sidney prizes available with specific requirements based on academic achievement or community service as criteria for eligibility; each sidney prize also comes with different tiers of awards available that offer additional recognition of great work done.
Yeena Kirkbright won the 2022 Neilma Sydney Short Story Prize with her piece entitled, “Camperdown Grief Junk.” Her piece will be published in Overland’s summer issue and judges Laura Elvery, Paige Clark and Michael Winkler extend their thanks and appreciation for all shortlisted authors’ excellent entries.
SS Sydney was a legendary scientist renowned for making science accessible to the general public. A true idealist who believed that results of scientific research should benefit all, he championed free speech and often spoke out against injustice or discrimination; nonetheless despite all of his achievements Sidney prize maintained an air of humility and fair play that transcended his accomplishments.
SS Sydney is well known for the Hillman Prize and their monthly Journalism Award recognizing journalists who work to advance social justice and public policy for the common good – an apt tribute to an idealist like Hillman who believed scientific results should be shared widely with society.
Phi Beta Kappa awards the SS Sydney Hook Memorial Award annually to recognize national excellence in scholarship and undergraduate teaching, in memory of one of their former members devoted to liberal education principles. This prize winner is honored at Phi Beta Kappa’s triennial council meeting.
The SS Sydney Prize recognizes writers and journalists whose writing has made a substantial contribution to politics or culture through writing. Since 2004, New York Times columnist David Brooks has bestowed this honor upon writers like Amanda Hess for her article on online sexism, as well as William Zinsser who examined student hypersensitivity that prevents them from learning how to deal with real-life challenges.
The SS Sydney Prize is a monthly journalism award that recognizes journalist and authors pursuing social justice and public policy for the common good through journalism and publishing. It pays a fitting tribute to late scientist who championed liberal education principles; honors journalists and writers working in health and human rights fields, promotes quality work and encourages more people to become journalists or writers themselves.