Domino Data Lab is an end to end platform for data science that facilitates collaboration and sharing of code, models and workspaces of various sizes for collaboration purposes. Furthermore, its compatibility with popular analytics platforms enables teams to work efficiently together while still seamlessly integrating their projects.
Lily Hevesh first began learning domino at age 9, when her grandparents gave her the classic 28-piece set from Avonlea. She soon fell in love with setting the pieces in an orderly or random formation, flicking one piece, and seeing all the dominoes come tumbling down! Today at 20, Lily works professionally as a domino artist, designing spectacular setups for movies, TV shows and events including Katy Perry’s album launch party!
As she took over as Chief Executive Officer of Domino’s in 2014, the company was losing customers and struggling to meet its growth goals. Her predecessor, David Brandon had instituted new initiatives such as relaxing its dress code and providing college students an opportunity to assume leadership roles while still in school – but Domino’s needed an even bolder move if it wanted real change to occur.
At that point, Doyle took action. Knowing that Domino’s success depended on its people, he sought to understand them by revamping employee training programs and meeting directly with workers to understand what they needed. Doyle even let employees design his new delivery car: an eye-catching Chevrolet Spark (dubbed by one article as “a cheese lover’s Batmobile”) with one seat that has enough capacity for 80 pizzas!
Once Doyle had secured Domino’s culture, he focused on reinventing its business model as well. He introduced an affordable pizza and invested in digital ordering and delivery to boost online sales; further, he expanded the brand into new markets such as Italy – another bold move which revolutionized industry expectations.
Domino’s online sales have skyrocketed 40 percent since Doyle took the reins, and the company is more profitable than ever. Not just increasing pizza sales; Domino’s is changing its business to focus on customer experience.
Draw is one of the most popular dominoes games, where each player places two dominoes with matching ends against another tile–such as 6-6 or 5-5–and counts the dots on both exposed sides to see who scores the most points and wins the round. If no player meets this winning criteria, play continues until someone either can’t add anymore tiles, or until all other players have used up all theirs.