BOCHK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION PRIZE will operate professionally, objectively and fairly to conform with scientific and rigorous standards. A formalized review procedure has been devised so no organization or individual may exert undue influence in this process; awardees must support Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of People’s Republic of China Basic Law as well as possess high social morality and professional ethics when awardeeing themselves with this prize.
On 25 October at the Hong Kong Palace Museum, winners will receive both a trophy and cash of approximately HK$1 million at an awards ceremony. In addition, they are invited to share their research achievements with students from local universities during a symposium. In years past, laureates of the Future Science Prize have shared their work at this venue as well as other city locations.
Though China held that pro-democracy activists were responsible for the unrest, lawmakers across party lines in the US nominated Wong, Lai, Chow, Ho and Lee as “global inspirations” due to their commitment to democracy and nonviolent resistance in response to Beijing’s crackdown. They noted that Mohandas Gandhi would recognize their acts as peaceful resistance.
Over time, however, the Nobel committee has deviated from Alfred Nobel’s instructions and expanded their definition of peace promotion to include more inclusive interpretations. Their failure to honour Mohandas Gandhi’s legacy is widely seen as one of its major failings; and now five Hongkongers who have been nominated represent not only millions in Hong Kong but also those on mainland China who cannot fight for their rights themselves.
Winners will not only be presented with a trophy and cash of approximately HK$1million, but will also have the opportunity to attend a workshop in Korea to advance their research. While at this workshop they can interact with scientists from across the world as well as build an international networking platform in support of scientific research cooperation.
The BOCHK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Innovators’ Prize is established annually since 2007 to recognize and encourage scientists who demonstrate exceptional achievements in turning scientific knowledge into technological innovation. Supported by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, its mission is to foster Hong Kong’s scientific research talent pool and to establish world-class awards in scientific disciplines worldwide. For more information please visit: www.bockscienceandtechnologyinnovationprize.com