A Sidney Prize is awarded to those who have made significant contributions to society, and those who win one receive substantial sums as rewards that can further their goals while inspiring others. There are various types of Sidney Prizes; it is wise to familiarize yourself with each before applying.
This award recognizes individuals who have made substantial contributions to advancing science in their fields, such as research on diseases, medicines or other health topics; spreading scientific knowledge within communities or encouraging young people to pursue careers in science; or inspiring future scientists. This award serves as a way of showing our gratitude and showing recognition of those who have dedicated their lives to expanding humanity’s understanding of its surroundings.
Phi Beta Kappa’s annual convention showcases this prestigious national award that honors students for academic achievements and leadership potential. Presented to those chosen from college students across America, the Sydney Prize recognizes academic success and leadership potential, honoring Dartmouth professor Sydney Smith who inspired many with his dedication and encouragement of student success. As Phi Beta Kappa is an international honor society for college students, its highest distinction can only ever be awarded once each year at their convention convention in Sydney’s name.
Organizations across the world present the Sidney Prize to acknowledge those whose efforts have furthered humanity. Awards range from science to politics, and those who win these accolades often become international celebrities in their fields; some may even lead to groundbreaking technologies which improve human lives as a whole.
Hillman Foundation’s Sidney Prize recognizes journalists who use investigative reporting and deep storytelling techniques to advance social justice, such as Rose Arce, Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ed Yong of top publications like New York Times and The Atlantic. Previous recipients have included such respected authors as Rose Arce, Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ed Yong – each who writes for such publications as these.
Other notable Sidney prizes are the Edelstein Prize and Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize. SHOT’s Edelstein Prize recognizes scholars who have published outstanding scholarly books in the history of technology; this serves as an incredible way to both recognize their hard work and encourage future scholars in this area of research.
Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize is open to all Overland readers and subscribers. Judged blind, its winner will receive a cash prize of $5,000 along with publication in Overland magazine; two runners-up will each be honored with $750 awards.
The Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize offers writers an incredible opportunity to showcase their work and garner reader attention. Overland’s judges will be looking for stories loosely themed around travel that go beyond simply trip planning; we encourage submissions that capture voices or experiences of marginalised or vulnerable communities and highlight this in your submission.